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VCAS Route Information

1 - SEARCH VA SCHEDULES - Enter one or all of the fields to search your va schedule. Click on SHOW ALL to view your full schedule.
2 - ROUTE INFORMATION - This shows the route information for the selected route from the route table.
3 - EDIT ROUTE DETAILS - Opens up the edit route window.
4 - CHANGE AIRCRAFT TAIL NUMBER - You can change the tail registration of the aircraft ONLY if you OWN the aircraft. Leased aircraft can not
      CHANGE TICKET PRICES - This will eventually allow you to setup ticket prices of the select route (ticket prices are fixed for now).
      REMOVE THIS ROUTE - Removes this route from your schedule and adds the routes scheduled hours back to the aircraft.

Add new route Step One:

1 - ENTER AIRPORT ICAO's - Enter in the 4 character ICAO for the departing and arriving airports.
2 - GENERATE ROUTE FOR THESE AIRPORTS - Click this to check the airports and generate a route for the entered airports.

Add New Route Step Two:

1 - GENERAL ROUTE INFORMATION - Shows you the airports, miles, and hours for this route.
2 - ROUTE TIMES - Enter in the times for this route, must be in the format listed HH:MM and can be local or zulu, 24 hour format please.
3 - SELECT HUB AND AIRCRAFT - First select a hub then the client will show you the aircraft available for that hub that has enough hours to
      support this flight.
4 - ROUTE INFORMATION - Select route type (passenger or cargo), enter in the days of the week this flight will be available, enter in a route flight
      number, allow co-pilot, and the optional preferred IFR route and comments.
5 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION - When all the fields are filled out, the information here is an ESTIMATED look at what this flight may provide to the
      virtual airline minus fuel costs and pilot pay.